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Can you benefit from electrolytes?

Can you benefit from electrolytes?

No matter who you are—a pro athlete, a weekend gym-goer, a breastfeeding mom, a busy parent, feeling under the weather, or recovering from a night out—staying hydrated is key to supporting your body’s best performance. Electrolytes are crucial to this process, influencing functions such as heartbeat regulation, muscle contraction, and pH balance. They’re essential for life to function smoothly.

Electrolytes offer numerous benefits across various situations, and we’ll dive into why they’re invaluable and when water alone might not be enough.


Electrolytes are well-known for their role in endurance sports, but they can also boost everyday workouts, increasing energy, enhancing recovery, and reducing fatigue. According to a 2023 review, “pre-exercise hyperhydration may improve exercise capacity by reducing heart rate and core temperature.” A 2021 study found that drinking water alone during exercise may even worsen post-workout cramps.


Electrolyte needs rise significantly during pregnancy, with increased blood, amniotic fluid, and hormone levels. They help manage common symptoms like headaches, muscle cramps, and fatigue. Breastfeeding also places high fluid demands on the body, as mothers lose 700-900ml of fluid daily through breast milk, which needs replacing to avoid fatigue and support hormone balance and milk supply. Studies show that electrolyte balance can even impact an infant’s health.


High levels of stress can disrupt electrolyte balance. The body’s response to stress involves hormones like cortisol and aldosterone, which directly affect fluid and electrolyte levels. This interplay, managed by the HPATG axis, supports blood pressure, stomach acid production, pH levels, and more.

Supporting hydration isn’t just for elite athletes! Here are other reasons you might consider adding Elyte to your routine:

  • Illness with symptoms like vomiting, diarrhoea, sweating, or fever that cause fluid loss
  • Diets low in essential nutrients from whole foods
  • Malabsorption due to digestive issues
  • Hormone imbalances
  • Medications, including antibiotics, diuretics, or corticosteroids
  • Low-carb or keto diets, which can cause electrolyte loss through water weight reduction.




  1. Shrimanker I, Bhattarai S. Electrolytes. [Updated 2023 July 24]. In: StatPearls [Internet].Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2024 Jan-. Available from:
  2. Armstrong LE. Rehydration during Endurance Exercise: Challenges, Research, Options, Nutrients. 2021 Mar 9;13(3):887. doi: 10.3390/nu13030887. PMID: 33803421; PMCID: PMC8001428.
  3. Shirreffs SM, Sawka MN. Fluid and electrolyte needs for training, competition, and recovery. J Sports Sci. 2011;29 Suppl 1:S39-46. doi: 10.1080/02640414.2011.614269. PMID: 22150427.
  4. Jardine WT, Aisbett B, Kelly MK, Burke LM, Ross ML, Condo D, Périard JD, Carr AJ. The Effect of Pre-Exercise Hyperhydration on Exercise Performance, Physiological Outcomes and Gastrointestinal Symptoms: A Systematic Review. Sports Med. 2023 Nov;53(11):2111-2134. doi: 10.1007/s40279-023-01885-2. Epub 2023 July 25. PMID:37490269; PMCID: PMC10587316.
  5. Lau, W. Y., Kato, H., & Nosaka, K. (2021). Effect of oral rehydration solution versus spring water intake during exercise in the heat on muscle cramp susceptibility of young men.Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, 18(1).
  6. Wack RP, Lien EL, Taft D, Roscelli JD. Electrolyte composition of human breast milk beyond the early postpartum period. Nutrition. 1997 Sep;13(9):774-7. doi:1016/s0899-9007(97)00187-1. PMID: 9290089.
  7. Open Resources for Nursing (Open RN); Ernstmeyer K, Christman E, editors. Nursing Fundamentals [Internet]. Eau Claire (WI): Chippewa Valley Technical College; 2021. Chapter 15 Fluids and Electrolytes. Available from:
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