We created Elyte to empower people to take control of their hydration and elevate their every day.

The Discovery

As an experienced nutritionist for professional athletes and many others, I uncovered the remarkable potential of proper salt intake- often underestimated and misunderstood. It has been a game changer for me personally and transformed my life, enhancing energy, sleep quality, and cognitive function. We have always had the aim of bettering ourselves, in our work, in our training, in our life, in our sleep, in our everyday. This pursuit along with years of trying different methods for hydration led us to the realisation that replenishing key electrolytes is key, especially the salt, and with proper intake, the benefits were game changing.

Crafting Excellence

The idea was the easy part, the hard part was crafting a formulation that tastes good, cuts out the crap, has no sugar and hits the spot when you take a sip. Through plenty of trial and error we have developed something that we can be proud of,  the perfect balance of sodium, potassium, and magnesium for maximum absorption and of course great taste. We figured out, that the more the sodium the better, and for sodium to have maximal absorption than potassium is key, the addition of magnesium brings the benefits supporting muscle, and energy function. Our three key electrolytes will hydrate your cells effectively.

Our Collective Journey

It’s not just about the product or the founders, its about building a community of like-minded individuals seeking enhanced well-being through proper nutrition and hydration. We’re all about the process, and the small steps that can be made to make your day slightly better. This life that we live in is crazy at times, the expectations, the demands may seem like they never stop. The vision of our brand is to give you a little something that you can rely on to give you that little kick, support, and resilience to keep going. We are on a mission to normalise proper hydration, no matter what your goals are and we want you to join us on our journey.

Meet the Elyte Founders

  • Annelies Grimshaw
    Co-Founder & Nutritionist

    Having dedicated over 15 years to the nutrition and fitness industry, I struggled to find a reliable electrolyte supplement for myself and for my clients. This challenge ignited my passion to create a product that could truly make a difference in people's lives. Whether you aim to enhance sports performance, promote digestive health, boost cognitive function, balance hormones, hydrate during pregnancy and breastfeeding, build muscle, or reduce body fat, our Elyte hydration powder is designed for you.

  • Mario Ozich

    A few years ago, I didn’t even know what electrolytes were, let alone understand the benefits. Fast-forward to today, and it is something that I drink every day, whether it is to replenish after a late night, energise during a long workday, or to charge through a workout—it is always on hand. They say what you put in is what you get out; the same goes for this product, It will give you what you need, every time. We have brought you this brand so you can be a part of the journey, to help you get out what you put in, every day, and ready to go again. Enjoy the ride.